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10250 Postal code , office, location information in Pak

10250 Postal code , office, location information in Pak

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Post code 10250 location

Postal / Zip code 10250
Delivery Office | GPO MIRPUR CITY
Postal Account Office Area Kotli
Province Azad Kashmir
Attached Branch post office 10251

The postal code or postcode 10250 is meant for MIRPUR CITY in Kotli postal office. This is situated in Azad Kashmir province in Pakistan. 10251 is tha attached office postal code in the location. The post master / officer departmen address is as mentioned above.
Postal / Zip code 10250
Delivery Office | GPO MIRPUR GPO
Postal Account Office Area Mirpur
Province Azad Kashmir
Attached Branch post office 10251

The postal code or postcode 10250 is meant for MIRPUR GPO in Mirpur postal office. This is situated in Azad Kashmir province in Pakistan. 10251 is tha attached office postal code in the location. The post master / officer departmen address is as mentioned above.

Find Arae or location information for postal code or post code in pakistan cities, villages and districts in all province. Pakistan does not use postal or ZIP codes like many other countries do. Instead, Pakistan uses a system known as "postal codes" or "postcodes." These postcodes are typically a series of numbers that help in the sorting and delivery of mail within the country. Pakistan's postcode system divides the country into different regions, cities, and localities, and each area is assigned a specific postcode.

While the postal code system exists in Pakistan, it is not as commonly used or standardized as ZIP codes in some other countries. It's essential to have the correct postcode when sending mail or parcels within Pakistan to ensure accurate and efficient delivery, but it may not be as frequently used for various addresses as ZIP codes are in countries like the United States.

The postal code system in Pakistan is extensive and covers various cities, towns, and localities throughout the country. There is a considerable number of postal codes in Pakistan, but the exact count can change over time as new areas are developed or existing ones are subdivided.

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