Cellsaa.com Post Code Phone Code Oil Price GOLD Rate Country Code

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Phone Dialing code / Area code

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Trace Vehicle Location

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Now you can check vehicle registration details, Owner, vehicle history for all types of vehicle like car, Bike,Truck, etc.

Find Post Codes, Phone Codes, Petrol Price, Gold Price, and International Country Call Codes

Phone Codes History - About Pakistan telecommunication authority

Pakistan Telecommunication Ordinance 1994, established the primary regulatory framework for the telecommunication industry including the establishment of an authority. Thereafter, Telecommunication (Re-Organization) Act no XVII was promulgated in 1996 that aimed to reorganize the telecom sector of Pakistan. Under Telecom Reorganization Act 1996, Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) was established to regulate the establishment, operation and maintenance of telecommunication systems, and the provision of telecom services. PTA has its headquarters at Islamabad and zonal offices located at Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar, Quetta, Rawalpindi and Muzaffarabad.

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Cell phone number tracking any many more in www.cellsaa.com

  1. Telephone Dialing code / area code in Pakistan
  2. Vehicle tracking with owner name and address details based on the registration in sindh and Punjab
  3. Pakistan Postal codes / post office Zip codes for all areas
  4. International fixed line calling code / country codes

Find Post Code / Zip Code , Phone Codes, Gold Price , Petrol Price , Kerosene Price

To serve with latest information to our customer, we are providing following information in our website.

Cellsaa.com | Find Post Codes, Area Codes, Gold Silver Price, Petrol and oil Price

Cellsaa Tracker is used to find the Post office Code / Zip Codes for various locations in Pakistan.

You can also Search for vehicle Registration information, postal codes, telephone landline area codes and international dialing codes here. We have also provided the separate page to check the luck of any mobile number in the world, it's absolutely free !

Why www.cellsaa.com ?

  1. Pakistan Post code / Zip Codes
  2. Pakistan Gold Price
  3. Pakistan Silver Price
  4. Pakistan Petrol oil Price
  5. Telephone Dialing code / area code in Pakistan
  6. Vehicle registration details in sindh and Punjab
  7. Pakistan Postal codes / post office Zip codes for all areas
  8. International fixed line calling code / country codes
  9. Check the Lucky Mobile number for free

* Please ensure the accuracy of data with the network service provider, we are not responsible for any incorrectness! These results are only tentative.